Bible Verses
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, September 14, 2022
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
—Philippians 2:1-2
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
Our call to sacrificially submit ourselves to others does not begin with our sacrifice, but with God’s blessings. The actual grammatical construction of this statement is more accurately translated when all the “if”s changed to “since”s! We are called to unity in spirit and purpose after having received all these blessings from being in Jesus! We are encouraged by being united with Christ. We are comforted by his love. We do share in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. We have received tenderness and compassion. So how can we not share those with our Christian family and find a way to live together in his Kingdom in harmony?
My Prayer…
Holy and righteous Father, you have blessed me so richly in Jesus. Open my eyes to see how those around me in my spiritual family need to receive those same blessings from me. In the name of Jesus, and because of the grace he has lavished upon me, I pray with thanksgiving in my heart. Amen.
Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.
—Amos 5:14
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
Isn’t it amazing how many people claim God is on their side. God has been “claimed” by those seeking to enforce slavery, practice prejudice, lie, bribe officials, practice hypocrisy, force injustice on the powerless, and practice “ethnic cleansing.” But God makes the test pretty simple: do what is good, seek after the good, or you’re not related to me! In the words of the prophet Amos, that meant equity for all peoples in court, in the marketplace, and in the place of worship. If we’re claiming God is on our side, then we’d better draw close to the side of God, the side of good, justice, and mercy as God defines them!
My Prayer…
Precious and Almighty God, full of mercy and lover of justice and fairness, I praise you for your concern for those who are often forgotten. By the presence of your Holy Spirit within me, convict me when I side with evil and oppression and stir me to work for the salvation of others, of my culture, and of my world — not just eternal salvation, but salvation from evil and hatred that are so prevalent. May your Kingdom dawn more brightly in our world as it does in your heart and will for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin!
—Proverbs 21:4
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
“We’re number one!” is the cry today. However, the scripture above tells us that it is the wicked who light their own way with their haughty eyes and proud heart. In contrast, God lights the way for his people with his word (Scripture) and with his Word (Jesus), the wicked light their own way with their haughty eyes and proud heart. But arrogance, pride, “uppity-ness” — or whatever name you want to call it — is called sin by God. God is number one and all the other numbers are important only because of him. It’s just that simple.
My Prayer…
Holy and righteous Father, help me place you and your character in the place of most importance in my heart, my life decisions, and in my influence. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.
—Ephesians 6:24
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
What do you have that lasts forever? Not much unless it is connected to the Lord Jesus Christ. So many things we love and pursue are hollow, fleeting, shallow, and vain. But grace comes; grace stays; and grace lives with those whose love is the Lord Jesus Christ. Neither time nor the grave can strip away our grace in him when he is our Lord and he is our love.
My Prayer…
Holy God, I acknowledge that you loved me long before I knew anything about you. I confess that despite your overwhelming love for me, I have strayed from your will. But Father, deep within my heart I love you and thank you for sending your Son Jesus. His sacrifice and your mercy have not only given me hope, but they have given me confidence to face whatever lies ahead today. Please fill my heart with love for you and your Son by the power of your Holy Spirit. Dear Father, may my allegiance to you be as unwavering and undying as your love is for me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.
—Psalm 53:2
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
Are you a “God-seeker”? Through much of history, especially when things are going well or in times of great wickedness, God has not found many who seek after him. But he’s looking! He’s searching! It matters to him! Just as God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day before sin destroyed their relationship, God longs to walk with us. But he’s looking for those whose hearts are yearning for his presence in their lives. So let’s yearn!
My Prayer…
Searching Father, Almighty King, my heart yearns to know you and to be known by you. I look forward to the day that I see you face to face. Until that day, please show your presence in my life and do your will in my character. May others see my life and know that I am your child and that I live to exalt your holy name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
—James 1:17
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
He doesn’t waver! Isn’t that comforting? God is consistent and in his consistency, he gives good gifts. He created the world in all its majesty and gave it to us to use. When sin strangled life, God gave us the promise and executed it through Abraham and the Israelites. When death claimed us, he gave us Jesus, crucified and resurrected, to give us the assurance of our victory over sin and death. There is no shadow in that brilliant light and we are assured that light will keep on shining!
My Prayer…
Gracious and generous God Almighty, thank you for consistently giving me your grace, your gifts, your love, and your promises. I have no one; I have nothing, that compares to you. Thank you for all your many gifts in Jesus name! Amen.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
—2 Corinthians 12:9
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
When I pray, I often catch myself simply wanting God to do what I want, not necessarily what is best or most expedient for those around me or for the good of the Kingdom. I don’t like to hear that God told Paul that he had asked enough about deliverance from his problem. Instead, Paul needed to learn that God’s gracious strength and mercy were enough to sustain him even in trial. While I know I need to learn this same lesson, it is daunting. I want God to keep things nice and tidy for me. But then I remember I am a follower of Christ. If I am to become like my Savior, then I have to let go of my requirements on God’s answers and open up to God’s work to redeem others through me, no matter the personal cost. Only then can I truly know that his grace is sufficient for me!
My Prayer…
Patient and loving Shepherd, guard my heart from discouragement in tough times and guard it from arrogance in good times. I know that without you I have nothing that is permanent. Thanks for giving me a permanent, steadfast hope of heaven with you, because of your grace and strength shared with me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
—Ephesians 3:20-21
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
Sometimes there is nothing left for us to do except praise God! While we may sometimes dream of doing great things for God and his Kingdom, the dreams aren’t as big as God’s plans. While we may be richly talented, influential, powerful, or rich, these are merely tools in God’s hands, not symbols of our sufficiency. “God is able” has to be one of the best and most accurate phrases in the Bible. But this time, it’s said about his work in you in me. He is able much more than we imagine to work through and in us. What can we say to that? Hallelujah!
My Prayer…
Loving Father, please help me better know and live your will. I want to be your vessel of ministry, healing, blessing, and hope to those around me at work and play. Please use me to your glory today, and always. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.
—Ephesians 3:16
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
What is one of the most important things we can do for those we love in the Lord? We can pray for them. But more than that, we can pray that God will strengthen them with power through his indwelling Spirit. This same Holy Spirit raised Jesus from death (Eph. 1:19). This same Holy Spirit is God’s great gift for those who ask (Luke 11:13). This same Holy Spirit reanimated a valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37). And this same Holy Spirit will strengthen those we love in the Lord if we ask for him to!
My Prayer…
Mighty and awesome God, I have several brothers and sisters in Christ who need your grace, mercy, and power poured into their lives by your Spirit. Some need to be convicted of their sinfulness. Some need strength and courage for their difficult road ahead. Some need power to overcome besetting sin in their lives. Please strengthen them with your power in their inner being through your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
—Acts 4:31
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
Prayer changes us. Prayer calls on God to change circumstances. Prayer is powerful. Prayer brings revival. Prayer transforms God’s people and brings about salvation. Prayer makes us bold for the Lord. So why do we find it so hard to find time to pray?
My Prayer…
Majestic God, please raise up prayer warriors who will help transform your church and who will battle Satan. Please fill your Church with the Holy Spirit and with boldness. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God.
—1 Peter 2:19
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
Unjust suffering! Ouch, even the sound of those words sends a chill up and down my spine. Such a thing doesn’t seem fair or appropriate — and it probably isn’t. Yet we have many brothers and sisters bearing up under pain and unjust suffering because of their commitment and loyalty to the only True God and to his Son, Jesus Christ. Wouldn’t it be incredible if those of us who are not touched by terrible persecution or hardship would begin each day praying for those in our spiritual family who do face hardship, persecution, suffering, and mistreatment? As they display the grace of Christ in the face of such difficulty to honor God, let’s pray that our Father will not only give them strength to endure, but that he will also deliver them soon!
My Prayer…
Holy and merciful Father, please bless your children today who suffer pain and hardship while displaying the grace of Jesus. Whether these problems are because of persecution or because of life’s difficulties, I pray that you strengthen my brothers and sisters who are suffering. But Father, I know the only permanent answer for this suffering is for Jesus’ return, so please send him soon. In the name of the Coming Lord Jesus I pray. Amen.
Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
—Acts 4:19-20
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
We can’t contain what we’ve experienced in Jesus. We can’t help but tell about what we’ve heard. No ruler, no threat, has been able to completely stop the voice of God from being heard through his people’s witness. Sharing our faith happens out of the overflow of our experiences in Christ and our relationship with Christ. When we share our faith in this way, the authenticity of our witness can be rejected or ridiculed, but it can’t be erased. We have experienced God’s work in our lives. How dare we keep silent? We can’t!
My Prayer…
God of the nations, please give your missionaries and ministers words of truth and power, especially as they face ridicule and hostility. Please help me better know how to reach the lost around me and please bless our evangelistic leaders as they try to strategize and discern your way of reaching the lost in our world today. In the name of Jesus, the atoning sacrifice for my sins, and the sins of the whole world, I pray. Amen.
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
—2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
What motivates you to do what you do? What drives you to accomplish, to achieve, and to pursue even more? Paul said that love was his compelling force. What would happen in our lives if love was truly THE compelling factor in our motivation and behavior? What if our desire to love those who do not know Jesus’ saving grace became our all-consuming concern out of love? He died so that it would be! Let’s not disappoint him.
My Prayer…
God of eternity, please be with me as I seek to allow love to be my primary compelling motivation in life. I want to show Jesus my love and appreciation for all that he has done to save me. I want to live for Jesus so others know he is Lord of my life. I want my words and life to show his love to others so they can truly experience it and come to know him. Please bless me as I pursue this goal. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.
—Luke 12:11-12
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
When we need help most, Jesus promises he will be there and will send his Spirit to give us the words we need. Throughout the centuries, this promise has sustained those facing persecution and ridicule. It helped them realize that they were not alone and that they didn’t need to worry about having the perfect answer to everything going in to face a hostile audience. This same promise sustains Christians today whether they are under governmental persecution or facing the hostility of unbelievers in the workplace, at school, or at home. When facing our enemies, we know we are not alone; our Savior goes with us.
My Prayer…
Loving God, I need your strength and the Holy Spirit’s help as I speak with those who are opposed to your message of salvation. I want your words, not mine, to be what others hear in that crucial moment of confrontation. Please give me wisdom to know when to speak, what to say, and when to remain silent. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.
—Hebrews 10:39
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
I love this description of God’s people that precedes “the faith Hall of Fame” (Hebrews 11). When you look at God’s people over the centuries, they are not a bunch of wimps, crybabies, and cowards. Yes, they do have their bad moments. But all in all, they are not those who quit on their quest. They are those whose faith has endured and found God’s great victory of salvation. This verse excites me because the Holy Spirit does not say “we can be those who don’t shrink back,” instead he is confident in us, our endurance and our faithfulness. We’re not “shrinkers,” we’re believers!
My Prayer…
Thank you, Mighty God, for your confidence in me. With your help, I won’t be a “shrinker.” I will stand for your truth, your character, and your will even if those around me do not. I believe you have great things ahead for your people, so I refuse to shrink back. Please empower me with your Spirit so that I can more completely serve you with confidence and integrity. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?
—Psalm 56:4
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
When all is said and done, there really isn’t a whole lot we can trust. Most of us have been hurt at one time or another by a friend who has betrayed our trust. The world economy is volatile and things can turn sour in just a few days. The weather shifts and changes by the hour. But in our world of change, in our heartbreak and disappointment, there is one constant. We can trust God. We don’t have to fear change. He is our anchor that holds in the strongest storms. He is our strength in our worst battles. His word and his promises speak of good things for us. We don’t have to be afraid, we can trust in him.
My Prayer…
Almighty Father, my Deliverer and Strength, with your help and presence I will not fear the days ahead. I praise you for sustaining your people Israel through history. I praise you for preserving your Word, the Scriptures, through persecutions and purges. I praise you and will not be afraid because my life and my future are in your hands. In the name of Jesus, my Lord, I pray. Amen.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
—Psalm 139:9-10
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
I guess for those who find themselves in places they shouldn’t be, the abiding presence of God might be a bit terrifying. But I find great comfort in knowing that no matter where I go, from the moment of my conception to the day of my death, God is always there. He is there to guide me and sustain me. Even when I’m in places I am not supposed to be, doing things I am not supposed to do, he is still there. I can turn to him in repentance and receive his grace. I can turn to him in need and receive his strength. I can turn to him and know I am not alone.
My Prayer…
Thank you, Father, for loving me and personally knowing me. Thank you for the assurance that I won’t have to face a day without you. Thank you for the comfort of knowing that I will never face my sorrows alone. Thank you for being the strength that sustains me when I don’t have the strength to go on. Thank you that when tomorrow dawns, I will be with you no matter what happens during the night. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
—Philippians 4:13
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
What’s the basis of our happiness? If it’s our outward circumstances, we’re all in trouble because sooner or later, these aren’t going to be too good. Paul said he had learned the secret to living above life’s circumstances. That secret was Jesus Christ. Jesus was his assurance that no matter how difficult our problems might be, they were not permanent. No matter how hard life was, Jesus would give him the strength to persevere. Paul is just as sure that Jesus will do this for you and me!
My Prayer…
God of glory and might, thank you for the stories of your great power in the Bible. They give me courage and hope when I face my problems. I believe Jesus can deliver me, sustain me, and uphold me through my difficulties today. Please forgive me for those times when I didn’t turn to you and honestly talk to you about my struggles. O LORD, I need the strength, the comfort, and the presence of Christ today. In the name of my Savior Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
—2 Corinthians 4:16
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
While we joke about growing older, the challenges of aging are tough. We realize our mortality. Our bodies can betray us. We can’t do what we once could do. As Christians, we know that our aging actually brings us closer to home and to the time when Jesus gives us immortal bodies not subject to decay. God can help us use these physical realities to be heavenly reminders of what is important. With the help of his Spirit, we can be transformed to be more like our Savior and to be more ready for our heavenly home!
My Prayer…
Almighty God, I confess that I like getting older less and less, the older I get. I am thankful, however, that each day older I get, the closer I am to coming home to you. Please help me not to become cynical, negative, or bitter as I grow older. Instead, please renew me and use me to bless others who need to find their way home to you. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.
You are to help your brothers until the LORD gives them rest, as he has done for you, and until they too have taken possession of the land that the LORD your God is giving them. After that, you may go back and occupy your own land, which Moses the servant of the LORD gave you east of the Jordan toward the sunrise.
—Joshua 1:14-15
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
I find it so easy to think of my needs and my safety first. I don’t want to be selfish, but when it comes to making decisions about the investment of my time, it’s so easy for me to see things only from MY perspective. But with God’s people, it’s a “we” and “us” perspective that is important, not a “me” and “mine” perspective. The Eastern tribes of Israel had reached their Promised Land. But they were not to quit the fight and settle there until all God’s people were safely in their homeland. The same is true for us in God’s Kingdom today. We are to look not only to our needs, but also to those of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
My Prayer…
Loving Father, please give me a more gracious and generous heart so that I might better demonstrate your love to a struggling brother or sister in Christ today. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
—Galatians 5:6
Thoughts on Today’s Verse…
What matters most? Priorities are key in our everyday lives if we are to be successful and productive. This is equally true in our discipleship. We want to concentrate on what is key, essential, and most important. Paul reminds us what is essential: Faith showing itself in loving actions. Faith that does not show itself in loving and helpful action is dead (James 2). Jesus wants our faith to express itself in vibrant and loving service.
My Prayer…
Almighty God, please forgive me for the times I have lost sight of what is essential and focused on what is peripheral. Please forgive me for the times when my interests and concerns were more important to me than loving service to others. Please give me eyes to see the people you would have me serve today so others may know Jesus’ love. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.