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Trump Statements

Our Country would have been a different place!



“Mike Pence told me, and everybody else, there was nothing he could do about the Electoral Vote Count—it was etched in stone. But if so, how come the Democrats and RINOs are working so hard to make sure there is nothing a VP can do. This was a major event, because everybody ganged up and said that Mike had no choice, he could not send the slates back to the States (which is all I suggested he do) for possible retabulation and correction based on largescale Voter Fraud and Irregularities. This may have proven to be an Election-changing event, so we would have no inflation, inexpensive gasoline, be energy dominant, have no war or largescale death with Russia and Ukraine (this conflict never would have happened), would have left Afghanistan on same timetable, but with dignity and strength, and would have kept Bagram Air Base, not had dead soldiers, taken out all American hostages, and would not have given the Taliban $85 billion worth of first-class military equipment. What a difference it would have made if the State Legislatures had another crack at looking at all of the Fraud, Abuse, and Irregularities that have been found. Our Country would have been a different place!”



  1. James

    July 23, 2022 at 9:41 am

    Ask many residents of Ind. and you will see that many considered him a RINO. I live in S. central Mi. and spend much time an money in Ind. Partially because Mich. has a worthless governor and admin. and the district I live in has very few truly conservative representatives. Mike Shirkey has proved himself to be a neo-con, and he is mentoring Andrew Fink to become the same. Fink has already sold out to Consumers Energy and area farmers who have allowed wind generators built on their property will one day pay for having those wind generators dismantled once they become decommissioned.
    Tim Walberg is an outright RINO and voted to allow our electorate to vote along with the radical left in Detroit, thereby causing Mich. to go to Biden rather than D. Trump; which the majority of Mich. voted for.

    I hope our voting public will remember all of this treachery Aug. 2

    • Dean Perry

      July 23, 2022 at 11:45 am

      I know our voting public will remember all of this treachery November 8th!

      • James

        July 23, 2022 at 8:14 pm

        If we can’t win America back in the primaries we likely will not in the general.

        • paulette

          July 26, 2022 at 6:34 pm

          “Win back”?

        • Severa

          July 27, 2022 at 7:47 am

          My son and wife have moved from Louisiana to Jackson, Mi. They are both Trump supporters and will vote for Trump people.

  2. dnicely

    July 23, 2022 at 10:42 am

    Pence, YOU had the Hammer and Chisel at your feet and you refused to even attempt to pick them up… Hail stones for you.

    • paulette

      July 23, 2022 at 11:40 am

      What hammer and what chisel? He’s the VP not a stonemason!

      • JoBo

        July 24, 2022 at 6:04 pm

        Are you really that stupid?

      • Nolan Raborn

        July 25, 2022 at 7:16 pm

        Do all democrat commenters have to be as stupid as they can be?

    • MzT

      July 23, 2022 at 12:43 pm

      He’s a rino at best. Pence stabbed Trump and those who voted for him in all our collective backs. I’ll never forget his infamous elbow bump with the hag Pelosi after the damage was done and the nincompoop’s fraudulent ascension to potus was in the bag. Now the worm is making actions that look a lot like he wants the presidency. Why don’t you just stop the charade and quit the party and join the democrats, Pence??? You could slide right in after they get Buyden and Kackula out of the way??? You are responsible for the catastrophe we’re in now.

      • James

        July 23, 2022 at 12:50 pm

        Absolutely agree with you MzT; Pence could have demanded an investigation, but instead took Soros’ money and turned his back on what was good for America.

        BTW paulette; he may not be a ‘stonemason’ but I am betting he is a Mason!!!

      • Roscoe J Parks

        July 23, 2022 at 5:03 pm

        Yeah well Mr trump is best buddies with putin, and he also took us out nato, so to abandon our allies. I think he was planning on turning our country into a communist country. By the way this is my opinion and only my opinion. So if you don’t tuff s**t. Oh by the way I don’t biden either, but then again I don’t like or trust any politican.

        • Joyce Richie

          July 25, 2022 at 3:23 am

          Roscoe, to make a correct/true statement, you would have to substitute BIDEN’S name in place of Trump’s and add Xi Jinping to the “buddy” list for BIDEN!! NATO has been pretty USELESS; BIDEN and the Dem party are not ONLY abandoning our allies… they TOTALLY LEFT/ABANDONED and FORGOT ABOUT our soldiers; left BILLIONS in military equipment of ALL STRIPES and an important air base to the D_MN_D ENEMY; and committed a LAUNDRY LIST of TREASONOUS ACTS!!! Your statement, “…he was planning on turning our country into a communist country.” is 1,000% correct, as it relates to BIDEN and his RADICAL CRONIES in the Dem party!!! I prefer to base MY opinions on FACTS, so I don’t watch CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc. By the way, GLAD to hear you “…don’t (like) biden either…”. You’re RIGHT, there aren’t many politicians we can like or trust, anymore, but one of the BEST (non-politician types) was President Trump… and he has been BRUTALIZED by the RADICAL TREASONOUS Dems and their boot-licking media!!! P.S.: I could use a drink of what you had, after watching the news!!! : – ))

        • Jeanne Witt

          July 26, 2022 at 6:06 am

          So you will a!low this remark but not mine.????

        • JoannaA_WA

          August 4, 2022 at 10:36 pm

          That is PRESIENT TRUMP dumbass.. and a president’s job is to work with other world leaders!! Just look at Obiden! he (and his family) is actually taking money from the CCP!

      • Joyce Richie

        July 25, 2022 at 2:23 am

        MzT, you are 1,000% CORRECT!!!!!! Of course, Pence isn’t the ONLY back-stabbing RINO… and after President Trump gave him the Vice-Presidency; praised him to the heavens; put his TRUST in him; and gave him the opportunity to step into the Presidency in a future election… only to mention a few of the great many benefits he received!!! Pence is a POISONOUS SNAKE and a TRAITOR… and when the WHOLE TRUTH is finally exposed, history and his maker will NOT judge him kindly!!!

      • JoannaA_WA

        August 4, 2022 at 10:34 pm

        It was the REAL Insurrection! and there better be a MASSIVE investigation very soon!!

  3. DCC

    July 24, 2022 at 12:20 am

    Pence has turned out to be the biggest Piggylosi kissass in America. What a major disappointment this turd turned out to be. Mike, you will forever be known as the big chickenshit ASSHOLE who gave the stolen election to Biteme joey, then celebrated with Piggylosi. If you had done the right thing you would be the leading candidate in 2024, but now you are a big zero and you are going nowhere!!!

    • Joyce Richie

      July 25, 2022 at 3:37 am

      DCC, THANK YOU SO MUCH for telling it like it is!!! I agree 1,000%… and I would add a dozen or more “colorful words” to describe TREASONOUS Pence, myself, but I’m trying to avoid having my posts banned from these forums!! Actually, I can’t find words BAD enough to describe the RINOs, weak-kneed Republicans… OR the COMMUNIST, RADICAL LIBERAL Dems… so I may have to make up some NEW ones!!!!! I also agree with James and Dean Perry’s comments, above!!!

  4. Sue Jackson

    July 24, 2022 at 10:05 am

    Mike Pence was the biggest MISTAKE Donald J. Trump has ever made in his lifetime. I said it when he announced that Pence would be his VP running mate. I watched Pence cowardly use his supposed “religion” as the reason why we could trust him. He duped an entire Nation & most of the World leaders as well. What he has forgotten is the very thing he used to get to the VP position. HE WILL STAND BEFORE GOD ON JUDGEMENT DAY. This will be the same GOD he used to blindside not just Trump but every American citizen, from the youngest to the oldest.

    • Shovelhead Mike

      July 24, 2022 at 11:31 am

      Very well said Sue!

    • Joyce Richie

      July 25, 2022 at 3:53 am

      Sue Jackson; Again, I agree with EVERYTHING you said… 1,000%!!!!!! Many commenters, here, are giving me SOME hope that a LOT of people HAVEN’T been “taken in” by the LIES and DEVASTATING ATTACKS on the few decent politicians we have left, to count on for salvaging what is left of our great country!!!! MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, RIGHT NOW, is ELECTION INTEGRITY!!!!!!!!!! The Republicans REALLY DON’T “have it in the bag”, in spite of the Biden and Camel Hair fiasco, heading up the CLOWNS in charge in the TREASONOUS Dem. party!!!! Our representatives HAVE GOT TO GET ON THE BALL, with HOW they are going to PROTECT OUR VOTES!!!!!! Because the Dems are going to CHEAT, AGAIN, and when they do… and take everything over… we are REALLY FINISHED!!!!! PLEASE contact your Reps. and insist they have SAFEGUARDS in place… and poll-watchers (with security standing by), EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • PurePurple

        July 25, 2022 at 2:42 pm

        Joyce Richie, Such an excellent comment! I very much agree. I might add all the other comments pertaining to Mike Pence I very much agree also, thanks to all.

      • JoannaA_WA

        August 4, 2022 at 10:46 pm

        We are fighting the purple republicans in our county, they are still supporting Jaime Herrerra Beutler!!! BUT… with this primary, we have taken back control of our county republican party!! We have put our foot down and let them know, we will no longer follow the “let’s all get along” BS of the old establishment!!! There is hope, keep fighting and get involved on the local level!! WE can take our country back but it takes us all getting involved and getting others involved!! Our County had a 45% turnout for the primaries!!! Imagine what we can do if we get all counties to have that kind of turn out!!!! MAGA all the way baby!!

  5. PurePurple

    July 25, 2022 at 3:14 pm

    I said it before and I will say it again, there’s no way Brandon could have won in 2020 election. No 81 million people could be that brainless. We all saw the same thing when he was lacking in rallies ( if you want to call it that ) campaigning more like hiding in his basement until he was told to come out and even then it was only for a very short time. Meanwhile President Trump was all over different areas, states and his rallies were packed to the gills. The reason Brandon was chosen it was because it was bought for him by multi billionaires. It was fixed, rigged by these people. He didn’t earn this title because it was given to him. We all know who is actually running this country, it was even stated by Obama in an interview. He got his 3rd term. Some people are still implying Brandon won, now if you call that winning…. I don’t! Republicans should get their act together and STAY together, strength comes in groups. Weed out these RINOS they aren’t doing the party any good anyways. If President Trump had excellent backing and not these whimp RINOS he wouldn’t have been impeached either. He wanted the swamp drained and they are part of the swamp.

    • Joyce Richie

      July 26, 2022 at 12:48 am

      Pure Purple, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, on ALL points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE and PRAY that some “new blood” will run against the RINOs and weak-kneed Republicans!! Without some other options, we are in a tough spot… we HAVE to vote Republican, or we are just throwing our votes away and helping the Dems, so we have to vet. them carefully before casting our votes (and then cross our fingers)!! What we, our family and friends are doing is withholding any contributions to the RNC, RNCC, etc., and donating INDIVIDUALLY to those candidates we are really convinced have our country’s and our citizens’ best interests in mind!!! Otherwise, those funds are distributed to those who do NOT… so I say they can pay their OWN way!!! And when those organizations call us for donations, I tell the callers EXACTLY WHY I will NOT give a single penny… EVER AGAIN… and I ask them to be SURE to record EVERYTHING I say, and play back every last word for the “powers that be” to hear!!!! Needless to say, those calls for donations have fallen off the cliff!!!!! I DO wish they would call again, because I have a LOT MORE nasty things to say!!!!!!! | :-

      • 1st & 2nd

        July 27, 2022 at 7:34 pm

        The new blood of the GOP isn’t pro-Trump!

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Trump Statements

Guess they now like RINOs!



“I had great success over the years, starting in 2016, in beating Club for Growth, a Conservative group of very nice people who, for whatever reason, fought me all the way. Then they wanted to get together with me (were losing a lot), made peace, and we had an unblemished list of endorsement victories, but sadly, broke over J.D. Vance, who they didn’t like, & I did. They spent a fortune against him, but I endorsed J.D., he did great, & WON big. Guess they now like RINOs!”

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Trump Statements

One of the most important days



“Hopefully, tomorrow will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!”

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Trump Statements

Tiffany will be getting Married today at Mar-a-Lago



“My wonderful daughter Tiffany will be getting Married today at Mar-a-Lago. She and Michael are a beautiful couple who will be very happy together. A big thank you and congratulations to Tiffany’s mother, Marla, on the bringing up of a really great daughter!”

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Trump Statements

Don’t let it happen!



“People of Arizona: Don’t get out of line until you cast your vote. They are trying to steal the election with bad Machines and DELAY. Don’t let it happen!”

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Trump Statements

Pennsylvania may not have a final Vote Count for MANY days



“The Democrats that run Pennsylvania have just stated that Pennsylvania may not have a final Vote Count for MANY days, and yet they use these very expensive “machines,” for SPEED. Go to PAPER BALLOTS, SAME DAY VOTING, MUST HAVE VOTER I.D., PROBLEM SOLVED. Also, big money saved!!!”

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Trump Statements

Donald J. Trump Rally in Miami, Florida



Watch here the 45th President Donald J. Trump Rally in Miami, Florida.

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Trump Statements

Congratulations on a Great Victory for our Nation!



“Great news for our Country, Freedom, and Democracy in that businessman Tom Barrack, who should have never been charged or tried, was just acquitted of all charges. Likewise, his associate, Matthew Grimes, was also acquitted of all charges.

My great respect goes out to the jurors for their courage and understanding in coming to an absolutely correct decision. ‘This could be the beginning of our breakaway from Communism, and other very deep and dark places where the United States should never be. Cuba, Venezuela, and even the old Soviet Union were looking more and more like the could be us in the not too distant future. The upcoming Election is very big, but these acquittals of two innocent men greatly set the Radical Left back—but now they should immediately release Great Patriots, Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips, from prison in Houston where they are being held for, essentially, finding millions of illegal, Election-changing ballots. True the Vote should be praised for the incredible job they did, not ridiculed by the Radical Left, with their leaders thrown into jail. Also, start treating the January 6th Protestors fairly. Let them all go now! Whether it’s a Raid on Mar-a-Lago, with the violation of Constitutional rights under the Fourth Amendment, based on a fake Document investigation where every other President had no liability, or the other phony Hoaxes and Scams that have been going on for years, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, Russia, Russia, Russia, Ulcraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, the Mueller Investigation where they found no Collusion, or more, we can’t let it happen.

Congratulations on a Great Victory for our Nation!”

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Trump Statements

It is Communism come to our shores.



“A puppet judge of the New York Attorney General and other sworn enemies of President Trump and the Republican Party has just issued a ruling never before seen anywhere in America. It is Communism come to our shores.

Businesses will be fleeing New York, which they already are, for other states and other countries. Today’s ridiculous ruling by a politically-motivated, hand-picked judge makes it even more vital for courts in both New York and Florida to do the right thing and stop this inquisition.

We have to fight back against radical tyranny and save our Country!”

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Trump Statements

What a SCAM!



“So the Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled, in effect, that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged, but they’ll let that result stand, however, in future Elections, you are no longer allowed to do what was done in the 2020 Election. Is that fair, or even legal. This decision represents far more votes than would have been needed to win Pennsylvania. What a SCAM!”

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Trump Statements

Donald J. Trump Rally in Sioux City, Iowa



Watch here the 45th President Donald J. Trump Rally in Sioux City, Iowa

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Trump Statements

To the People of Brazil, this is your big day



“To the People of Brazil, this is your big day, and also, a big day for the World. Your GREAT and Highly Respected President, Jair Bolsonaro, needs you to get out and Vote, TODAY, so that your Country can continue on its incredible path of success. Don’t let the Radical Left Lunatics & Maniacs destroy Brazil like they have so many other countries. President Bolsonaro has done a fantastic job, has my Complete and Total Endorsement, and deserves your VOTE. He will NEVER let you down!!!”

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Trump Statements

The greatest Witch Hunt in American History continues



“The greatest Witch Hunt in American History continues on all fronts, even as the Election rages, an unwritten “NO NO” in Law and Politics. The Document Hoax Case I thought was over based on the fact that the documents were declassified, but more importantly based on the history of past Presidents and the way they were treated. The Clinton “Socks Case” is conclusive, the Presidential Record Act is great & easy to understand, & my Fourth Amendment Rights were violated with the Raid on Mar-a-Lago!”

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Trump Statements

Jerry Lee Lewis was beloved by everyone



“Jerry Lee Lewis was beloved by everyone, a real bundle of talent, energy, and everything else necessary to be a star. He just passed away. Our warmest regards to his wife, Judith, and family. He will be missed!”

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Trump Statements

Donald J. Trump Rally in Robstown, Texas



Watch here the 45th President Donald J. Trump Rally in Robstown, Texas.

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Trump Statements

Who could ever trust corrupt, weaponized agencies



“The FBI and the Department of “Justice,” which paid a man $200,000 to spy on me, and offered a $1 million “bounty” to try and prove a totally made up and fake “dossier” about me (they went down in flames!), are now leaking nonstop on the Document Hoax to the Fake News. Who could ever trust corrupt, weaponized agencies, and that includes NARA, who disrespects our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to keep and safeguard any records, especially since they’ve lost millions and millions of pages of information from previous Presidents. Also, who knows what NARA and the FBI plant into documents, or subtract from documents—we will never know, will we?”

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Trump Statements

A great Person and Patriot



“Harvard educated John Gibbs of the Great State of Michigan, who beat “Impeacher” Congressman Peter Meijer for the Republican Nomination, is a great Person and Patriot who is doing really well against his Radical Left Democrat opponent, who is really weak on solving our Socialist inspired problem with violent crime. I Endorsed John a long time ago, and he has made me very proud of my choice. Get out and VOTE for John Gibbs, he will NEVER let you down!”

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Trump Statements

Endorsement of Derek Schmidt



“Derek Schmidt, the highly respected Attorney General of the Great State of Kansas, has done an absolutely outstanding job—HE HAS KEPT KANSAS SAFE. Derek is now running for Governor and will be a popular and very wise choice. He is Strong on Crime, the Borders, and our always under siege Second Amendment. He loves our Military and our Vets. Derek Schmidt will never let you down, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

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Trump Statements

Bring New York BACK TO GLORY!!



“Remember, when you cast your vote for Governor and Attorney General in New York State, that Crime (and Taxes!) is OUT OF CONTOL, with Murder and everything else at record levels – People are fleeing to other states. The Democrats have done less than nothing, the criminals are in charge, and it will only get worse (if that’s even possible?). A.G. Letitia James is a racist fraud who doesn’t care about violent crime. Vote for Lee Zeldin & the entire Republican Line. Bring New York BACK TO GLORY!!”

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Trump Statements

“Taxes Have Consequences”



““Taxes Have Consequences” uses in-depth research to tell the real tax history of the United States. My administration built on this history when we cut taxes in 2017. Here is the full story from over a century of our American past.”

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Trump Statements

The Unselect Committee is a giant Scam



“The Unselect Committee is a giant Scam, presided over by a group of Radical Left losers, and two failed Republicans, the likes of which our Country has rarely seen before. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

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